What we offer you

You’re the total package and you deserve one too.

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During our hiring process, we discuss more than your career goals. We also talk about what you need to be happy and fulfilled as an individual.

After all, joining Schuberg Philis is not only about what you can contribute to the organization, but also what our organization can contribute to you and your development.

When we make you an offer, we always walk through it with you. We’ll help you understand the various elements in the offer and address any questions or concerns you might have. You can take time to review our offer and ask us any follow-up questions. Together we’ll do our best to make sure our offer is one you will accept with enthusiasm.

Our indefinite contracts are designed to take care of our colleagues both on the job and off.

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The basics
  • An annual salary
  • A mobility plan
  • 25 paid vacation days annually
  • 8% annual holiday allowance
  • A pension plan
  • A laptop and an iPhone
  • Excellent survivor’s pension and disability coverage insurances
More perks
  • Delicious, nutritious meals at the office
  • Support for your personal and professional development
  • As many team-approved vacation days (above the 25) as you need
  • Collective health insurance
  • Pension advice from an independent financial advisor
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An indefinite contract

Because we prefer to work with colleagues over the long run, we standardly offer an indefinite contract. We hire people based on a belief that we can synergize our mutual interests and strengths to impact society for the better.

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Work where you want

Our offices are where we work most of the week, but some of us also work at a customer location and/or from home. We discuss whereabouts within our teams to optimize collaboration.

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Schuberg Philis Academy

The Schuberg Philis Academy offers immersive trainings tailored to the dynamic needs of our colleagues and customers. We create relevant personalized learning experiences across various areas in technology, business, social skills, and our company DNA.

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Continuous learning

Our learning culture supports the open, generous exchange of skills and knowledge among our colleagues. We provide unlimited access to technical learning platforms, regular workshops and lectures, an extended onboarding program, and a buddy and a coach to support each colleague’s continuous development.

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Health, wellbeing, and fun

Throughout the year, we organize group sports, mindfulness and yoga, family events, and social activities, such as game nights and movie screenings. We encourage our colleagues to participate, taking the chance to relax and have time for one other.