With its new platform, Enexis can conduct sophisticated data analysis in very little time. Better data analysis has allowed the company to reduce energy theft by 75 million euros annually. Whereas in the past, the company needed months for scenario analyses of its network or a particular substation (of which there are currently 40,000!), that analysis can now be run in four hours at a fraction of the cost. Technical changes to the platform itself have sped up, with most changes now able to be completed within an hour. Server deployments are now 100% automated. This lets the company’s data teams be more decisive, which saves time too. Within just a year, we also helped Enexis save over 70% in annual cloud costs simply by monitoring the public cloud’s changing features and implementing regular rounds of improvement. The company’s new cloud environment is conducive to low-risk experimentation and innovation, which Enexis continues to entrust to our leadership.