

Secure your business in an ever-changing landscape. In today's dynamic and regulated environment, safeguarding your business against evolving threats is crucial. Our comprehensive security solutions are designed to navigate the complexities of regulations, integrate robust security measures from the ground up, and ensure business continuity.

With a focus on balancing business value with IT risk management, we provide the expertise and tools needed to protect your operations, data, and reputation. Discover how our innovative security services can help you stay ahead of threats, maintain compliance, and ensure seamless operations, giving you the confidence to focus on what matters most – growing your business.

1. Navigating business & IT through the regulatory landscape

Navigate complexity and regulatory demands with pragmatic frameworks and best practices, reducing risk and liabilities. We balance business value with IT risk management, leveraging security through automation and integrated frameworks.

  • Build a vision, strategy, and solution design for security, including:
    • Risk metrics aligned with business objectives
    • Scoping mission-critical processes and assets to identify security risks
    • Third-party management
    • Organizational upskilling
  • Conduct technical expert reviews and assessments based on integrated control frameworks and engineering best practices.
  • Adopt standards and integrated control frameworks that align with regulations and communities.
2. Securing cloud, software, and data by design

Security must be embedded in processes, teams, and technology across cloud, software, and data. We design, build, and operate secure IT solutions, safeguarding your business.

  • Design and implement security from day one in:
    • Governance and operating models
    • Process/technology blueprints
    • Security arc configuration
  • Build and maintain secure environments for cloud, software, and data services, including:
    • Cloud security engineering
    • Secure software development
    • Data protection services
  • Collaborate with foundational cloud providers and partners to ensure comprehensive protection.
3. Preventing & detecting cyber threats and abuse

Prevent and detect cyber threats to mitigate financial risks and protect your reputation. We integrate security seamlessly into your technology, ensuring performance and maintainability.

  • Identify and assess the threat landscape.
  • Detect and prevent threats through threat hunting, posture improvement, and threat intelligence.
  • Leverage real-time, event-driven security platforms:
    • WAF, DDoS, and API protection
    • Advanced stakeholder reporting
    • Security operations and MDR (EDR/SIEM/SOAR)
    • Online fraud detection (payments)
  • Deploy multipurpose cloud and data platforms, integrating IT/OT technology stacks.
4. Safeguarding business continuity & recoverability of operations

Ensure uninterrupted operations and minimize data loss with robust business continuity and recovery strategies in complex environments.

  • Design and build strategic solutions for business continuity:
    • Solution and architectural design
    • Process/technology blueprints
  • Deploy state-of-the-art security services:
    • Resilient public and private cloud environments
    • Managed backup and restore
    • Immutable backups
  • Partner with foundational cloud providers for comprehensive continuity solutions.

Integrated security framework

Our integrated security framework provides deep insights into risks and problem areas, enabling us to resolve current complications and prevent future issues. As an IT partner proficient in both technology and the languages of business, compliance, and regulation, we translate your organization’s priorities into impactful security solutions, empowering you to protect your assets.

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Ransomware can paralyze a victimized enterprise. It has real-world consequences and causes irreversible damage. The urgency to act will soon become palpable due to European regulations, such as NIS2 and DORA. Fifty percent of enterprises worldwide lack a response plan. It is clear they are struggling to identify, much less implement, the right security measures to protect themselves. Based on the outcome of assessments, organizations can determine which controls are needed to break the ransomware kill chain. It is crucial to respond properly, and especially to be prepared for a total IT shutdown scenario! To address this growing threat, Schuberg Philis and NOREA developed a comprehensive ransomware framework as an addendum to existing security frameworks and published an accompanying report.

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Dora vierkant

DORA in control

When the EU's Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) becomes enforceable by January 2025, the impact on European financial institutions and their ICT service providers will be doubly hefty. Not only do organizations have to comply with the complex security requirements presented in DORA's over 400 pages of legal-style documentation. But also, organizational management leaders will be expected to take an active role in cybersecurity governance and, should they underperform, be held personally liable.

To support our customers in financial services, Schuberg Philis has developed the DORA Control Framework, a blueprint for achieving optimum sustainable digital resilience.

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Contact Sandeep Gangaram Panday.


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